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 Auburn Valley State Park

Easy to hard routes, trails, and shared use paths 10 minutes away 

Click here for a map of the park, and here for a great story map of the park. Note that a parking fee applies unless you have a DE park pass. There are no restrooms nearby. 

Auburn Valley Trail.png

An Easy 1.3 mile multi-use loop.


An Very Easy 1.2 mile shared use path.


A Hard 1.2 mile multi-use loop.


A hard .7 mile route helps to create a 5.8 mile loop.


A Very Easy hard-surfaced .5  mile walking path, with a .5 mile natural trail extension.

  • Legend reveals the symbols indicating different sections. 

  • Home re-centers the map on the trail. 

  • Click here to open the map in a new window.


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 Auburn Valley Trail

Auburn Valley Trail

An Easy 1.2 mile Multi-Use loop 10 minutes away

Universal Access (UA): This path exceeds standards with respect to running grade for both Shared Use paths and Universal Access Trails. As a shared use path, it otherwise meets all standards for surface, obstacles, cross-slope, and passing spaces.


Effort: This 1.3 mile loop has a Flat Equivalent Length of 1.5 miles and merits a Cumulative Grade Rating of Easy. Depending on the direction, the longest continuous grades are as follows: a 260-580' section with at least easy grades, a 80-110' section with at least easy to moderate grades, a 80-110' section with at least moderate grades, a 20-50' section with at least difficult grades. There are somewhat steeper uphill grades heading clockwise. All uphill sections are in the first half of the loop - the second half of the loop is all flat or downhill. 


Stress: As a multi-use path, this is generally rated as no stress for most users, though less experienced wheelchair users may find the long continuous sections with moderate to difficult downhill grades to be stressful. 


Other features: This is a quiet, sunny path.  It runs up a hill with wide open views of the Marshall Steam Car Museum and Yorklyn Mills.  Benches along the way are constructed from industrial parts. There is a picnic table about halfway, close to the highest point off the path. 

Connections: Cross back over the small bridge to connect to the Trolley Trail, and continue back over Benge Road to connect to the Yorklyn Bridge Trail. At the top of the hill you will also see natural trails to the right into Marshall Bridge Preserve.

Getting there: Click here (or on the map) for directions to the trailhead. 



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Trail maps: To open a map in a new window and see grades for each 10' section, click here when heading clockwise, and click here when heading counter-clockwise 

  • Click on Legend to see the symbols indicating different grades

  • Click on Layers to see only certain features on the map.  

  • Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. 

  • Click Your Location to track your progress while you hike.


Oversee Farm Trail

A Hard 1.2 mile multi-use loop 10 minutes away

 Oversee Farm Trail

Universal Access (UA): This path does not meet standards with respect to running grade for either Shared Use Paths or Universal Access Trails. As a multi-use path, it meets all standards for surface, obstacles, cross-slope, and passing spaces.


Effort: This 1.2 mile loop has a Flat Equivalent Length of 1.4 miles and merits a Cumulative Grade Rating of Hard.  Depending on the direction, the longest continuous grades are as follows: a 420-650' section with at least easy grades, a 100-340' section with at least easy to moderate  grades, a 50-200' section with at least moderate grades, a 50-200' section with at least difficult grades. There are somewhat steeper uphill grades heading counter-clockwise. There also do not appear to be resting spaces. 


Stress: As a multi-use path, this is generally rated as no stress for most users, except that less experienced wheelchair users may find the long continuous sections with moderate to difficult downhill grades to be stressful. 



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Trail maps: To open a map in a new window and see grades for each 10' section, click here when heading clockwise, and click here when heading counter-clockwise 

  • Click on Legend to see the symbols indicating different grades

  • Click on Layers to see only certain features on the map.  

  • Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. 

  • Click Your Location to track your progress while you hike.


Other features: This is a quiet, sunny path.  Benches along the way are constructed from industrial parts. There is a picnic table located about halfway.

Connections: The Auburn Valley Connector brings you to the Yorklyn Bridge Trail and on to other tails and paths in the park.

Getting there: Click here (or on the map) for directions to the trailhead.





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Trolley Trail

 Trolley Trail

An Easy .5 mile hard-surfaced walking path 10 minutes away

Margot revels in a cold rain - March 2020

Universal Access (UA): This path does not meets accessibility standards for a Shared Use Path because of running grades that exceed 5%, although it would meet standards as a Universal Access trail. As a shared use path, it meets all standards for surface, obstacles, cross-slope, and passing space.


Effort: This .6 mile out-and-back shared use path (1.3 miles round trip) has a Flat Equivalent Length of 1.5 miles and merits a Cumulative Grade Rating of Very Easy. 

Depending on the direction, the longest continuous grades are as follows: a 50-80' section with at least easy grades, a 10-30' section with at least easy to moderate  grades, and a 10-20' section with at least moderate grades.


Stress: As a shared use path, this is generally rated as very low stress for most users. 


Other features:  This is a quiet, partially shaded trail, running alongside the Red Clay along the old Yorklyn-Kennett Trolley line and Mill Race for the old Snuff Mill. The Marshall Steam Car Museum can be seen on your right.  The trail ends at the sluice gate and dam for the mill race. There is a picnic table located about halfway.


From the start of the trail, you can connect to the Auburn Valley Trail to add another 1.2 miles to your round trip, or continue south from the parking lot on to the Yorklyn Bridge Trail. to add another 1.2 miles to your trip

Getting there: Click here (or on the map) for directions to the trailhead. Cross over Benge Rd and continue straight until you see the Trolley Trail heading off to your right.


Trail maps: Click here to open the map in a new window.


To see the grade in each direction for each 10' section on the map to the left, click on Filter and select the direction (remember to toggle the filter on).

  • Click on Legend to see the symbols indicating different grades. 

  • Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. 

  • Click Your Location to track your progress while you hike.


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Filter icon.jpg



Yorklyn Bridge Trail

 Yorklyn Bridge Trail

A Very Easy 1.2 mile shared use path 10 minutes away

Universal Access (UA): This path does not meets accessibility standards for a Shared Use Path because of running grades that exceed 5%, although it would meet standards as a Universal Access trail. As a shared use path, it meets all standards for surface, obstacles, cross-slope, and passing space.


Effort: This .6 mile out-and-back shared use path (1.3 miles round trip) has a Flat Equivalent Length of 1.4 miles and merits a Cumulative Grade Rating of Very Easy. 

Depending on the direction, the longest continuous grades are as follows: a 50-80' section with at least easy grades, a 10-30' section with at least easy to moderate  grades, and a 10-20' section with at least moderate grades.  


Stress: As a shared use path, this is generally rated as very low stress for most users. 


Other features: This is a quiet, open trail, running alongside and crossing the Red Clay Creek at the refurbished bridge to the north and at Yorklyn Rd to the south, just after you can glimpse the remaining sections of the old NVF plant. East of the Red Clay, you pass by the remains of the old Snuff Mill, where Dew Point Brewery and Garrison's Cyclery are now located.

Connections: After crossing Creek Rd, the trail ends at the Center for the Creative Arts, although you can continue on the Auburn Valley Connector on Upper Snuff Mill Rd towards Oversee Farm Trail

Getting there: Click here, or on the map below and to the right, for directions to the trailhead.



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Trail maps: To open a map in a new window and see grades for each 10' section, click here when heading east, and click here when heading west. 

  • Click on Legend to see the symbols indicating different grades

  • Click on Layers to see only certain features on the map.  

  • Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. 

  • Click Your Location to track your progress while you hike.


Trail maps: Click here to open the map in a new window.


To see the grade in each direction for each 10' section on the map to the left, click on Filter and select the direction (remember to toggle the filter on).

  • Click on Legend to see the symbols indicating different grades. 

  • Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. 

  • Click Your Location to track your progress while you hike.


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Filter icon.jpg




A Hard route connecting paths in the park

Auburn Valley Connector

 Auburn Valley Connector

Walkers: Cyclists: Bike between Yorklyn Bridge and Oversee Farm Trails to create a 5.8 mile loop that can be lengthened further by adding the Auburn Valley Trail. This 1.5 mile round trip is equivalent to a 2.4 mile flat ride because more than 1/4 is uphill, including moderate and difficult grades. It also includes sections that are stressful totaling .7 miles along Snuff Mill, a local collector road with higher traffic volumes and speed but without shoulders. 

Other Features: Connections: Maps: Click here, or on the map to the right for a trail map where you can track your progress and see grades and levels of traffic stress. Click Layer and select the direction you wish to head in, Your Location to track your progress, and Legend to see the grade of each 20' section. Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. Click here for a map of the Auburn Valley State Park. Park in the lots for Yorklyn Bridge or Oversee Farm Trails. 

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